It was a pretty quiet weekend. I don't consider that a bad thing though. I rather enjoyed the radio silence. That's not to say I didn't get any messages. I got a few. One was from okcupid. This guy sucked at conversation and I held in there is long as I could, but he just talked about himself and never asked me a question. Plus, he did not laugh at my jokes, so I am thinking he takes his work a little too seriously. Agent Blue got a couple gems as well.
A friend of mine and I were talking this weekend about OLD and he expressed his frustration with it (totally understandaable). He said he was talking with his friend about what women want. His friend said, "a man, not a boy." But as my friend pointed out, that is wholly subjective. So it got me thinking what I want in a guy. Hmmmm.
Funny - he has to be. Long after our looks fade, laughter will keep us young (and from getting bored).
Comfort/Safe - I want to feel totally comfortable and safe around my guy. I know this takes time, I don't expect it right away either. I just see what my siblings have with their spouses - they can be goofy and serious without fear of judgement. They are loved for who they are, all the crazy included.
Able to communicate - This is just a must. Healthy communication is the key to success in most relationships, romantic or otherwise. I am willing to accept that this may be a learned trait. I get it, not everyone is good at communicating at first.
Assertive - by nature, I am a leader. I am a doer. I want someone who is at that same level. Passive is a turn-off. Plus, I am tired of pursing guys. I want to be pursued, which often takes a certain level of assertiveness (and confidence).
Confident - We all have our hang ups that make us kind of self-conscious, but an over-all sense of self confidence is super attractive.
Good Looking - No, I am not shallow, but if there is no physical appeal, usually there is no chemistry. Good looking, btw, does not mean by societies standards. It means by my own. Which vary from person to person anyway. I don't care if anyone else thinks they are good looking, I just want to think so.
Mature - This is the difference between a boy and a man. Are you still playing beer pong and going out to clubs every weekend? Are you blowing money on random shit or are you spending wisely and saving? Do you have more in your life than video games and eating junk? Stuff like this. I think it varies from person to person. I also think there is no one way a person is mature. It depends on who they are, what their journey through life has been like and what their life is like now.
That is not a bad list, I don't think. And I am flexible. These are not deal breakers because I understand people are always growing and changing. Someone can learn to communicate, or grow in self-confidence. People can cut their hair and shave their beard and that may do wonders to their image. Maturity can exist in one area of their life, but need development in another area. These are all fluid characteristics, I think. My deal breaks are:
1.) No current drug use (incl marijuana), no serious drinking problems
2.) Has to like dogs, since I now have one that will be with me for a very long time.
3.) Wants to get married (eventually) and wants kids
4.) Does not want to leave Colorado (my family is here, so I am here).
That's it. I think people are way too unique to put any other limits on the "ideal guy." A lot of good potential guys get looked over that way (women too, for that matter).
Now, a couple gems:
"Hey pretty I want to kiss those lips" [um, thank you?]
"This rose is for you @}-----------------" [do you remember these old school roses from the days of AIM?I didn't think people even knew how to do these anymore, what with the wealth of emoticons everywhere]
"Hi. Your good looking want to chat" [I was so tempted to say, "You're not good looking. So no." But I was feeling nice that day.]
"Sooo beautiful (smiley emoticon with heart eyes)
So stunning." [Thank you. From 6,430 miles away.]
"If I pose naked for the art group will they let me cover up my penis?" [ummmm. what?]
"Hey, quick question :-)."Yes?" "Um how pretty are your feet ha." [well, I knew I'd run into a foot fetish eventually.]

I am beginning to think the bar approach would be better than this.