You can't un-see the written word  

Posted by Plain Jane in , , , , , , , , ,

Your profile, pictures, and messages are your introduction. And as the saying goes, the first impression counts...and that's a cliche for a reason. Because it's true. People may get to know you and change their opinion about you later on, but there will always be that initial impression; you simply can't un-see things and those things stay with you. Basic psychology. It never ceases to amaze me how people present themselves and makes me wonder exactly what some poor sap was thinking when they decided to put pen to paper (digitally, of course) and write things on their profile or in a message. This week has two particular memorable guys

Guy #1... (message to me)

Nothing crazy you know, just fraud and a gun charge.And really, whats so bad about that? Why do I need to go to prison?

Actually, I appreciate your candor; being upfront about some things is important, this being one of them. It's your lack of remorse that is troubling. And on an entirely different note, your lack of punctuation is annoying. How hard is it to use a period and comma? Come on.

Alright, so let's look at guy #2... (profile I came across)

Yep. That's right. This guy's profile was so risque that I had to redact almost the entire thing to post it here. It was......descriptive.

Although I do have to admit...he wasn't a bad writer. But probably the wrong forum for what basically amounts to written porn.

I really want to ask both of these guys if either of their writings have actually successfully ended in a date. I certainly wasn't impressed. I did a face palmed a time or two though.

Here is my favorite pick-up line of the week:
"They say Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth. Well apparently no one has ever been standing next to you." 

I also learned a new term for online dating "GGG" this week. GGG apparently means "Good, Giving and Game." Being GGG means you're good in bed, giving equal time and equal pleasure, and game for anything. I wonder if Guy #2 considers himself GGG. If you read his profile, you'd certainly think so. Although, if you are reducing your profile down to explicit sex talk with no other discernible details about yourself... perhaps you are lacking in the GGG department. Or the personality department.

Online dating. As awesome as ever.

(twitter: @plainjanedating)

Where did the last gentleman go?  

Posted by Plain Jane in , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

You know when they say be open to the universe and it will provide? Well, what they don’t tell you is what they provide. I’ve had a stream of bad lately. Like, every guy who messages me is….creepy. there is no other word to describe them. I know the good guys exist; I have heard about them, but they seem to be like unicorns – pretty to look at and imaginary. FML.

Here is the thing. I don’t think that within the first week you should be asking for body pictures (clothed or otherwise). Last night I had this guy tell me he loved my curves (I have a fully clothed, picture of myself on my profile because I’m not skinny and I certainly don’t want to mislead anyone). That’s nice, I think to myself, and then….”can you take more pictures of your body?” – enter face palm here – Come on. Why? Why make it like that not even ten minutes after we start talking? You had potential (well, he was 5’2, so he had some potential; I’d like to say I am not shallow, but I also know height matters to me). Why go and ruin a perfectly good conversation by asking me for more body shots? (And ps, he just messaged me, “hey sexy.” *eye roll*)

I was thinking about the conundrum the other day and I have realized that it all about being a gentleman. People believe they are nice gentlemen (note to self, look up "gentlemen" and research it); they say they are a gentleman because they open doors and walk you to the car, and buy you dinner (and an End Game guy might have flowers or chocolates too). Well you know? All of that IS nice. But that it.........That's just nice. My 4 years old nephew has these habits. Its not hard.
So why can't all men do these small gestures of kindnesses.

Yesterday I had a poor guy tell me (when I asked what he liked to do for fun) that he likes NFL games and hopefully I would too (I wouldn’t) and he liked playing Call of Duty, but he would stop if I didn’t like that. I went back and read his profile a little bit closer. Poor guy. It reads like he has gone through a lot of rejection and has lost all sense of self. And that made me sad because that happened to me once upon a time and it’s not a good place to be. So I messaged him back and told him (as nicely as I could, because this really was coming from the heart) that he shouldn’t apologize for who he is, what he likes, and he shouldn’t change and mold himself to be whatever a woman wants him to be. He said thanks for being honest. That guy is going to be some girl’s doormat all of this life.


The hang and bang, fat dab, and the two word man  

Posted by Plain Jane in , , , , , , , , , ,

After a hot minute of going on several dates with one guy, then about a week of barely speaking to me, canceling on me twice, AND then standing me up, he decided he didn't have the "emotional bandwidth" (yes, he really said that, dumb ass) to have a relationship. Then, as if he couldn't be any more of an idiot, he text me a few days later saying he missed me and wanted to know if we could get together and talk (because in his mind, we had great conversations; in my mind there was a whole lot of talking on his end and it wasn't exactly stimulating). Of course I said no.

Moving on.

So now I am back to my favorite dating apps: OkCupid and Plenty of Fish. And let me tell you...cupid has taken a permanent vacation and the pond must have been chemically treated because this is what I am getting:


I don't even have words for the purple gorilla. He had no other photos. Just that one....
It's pretty easy to spot guys who are looking for a hookup. Someone wanting to "rock my world" is definitely a tell-tale sign; a dead give-away. And well, you know me. I have a hard time resisting these guys for blogging fodder, so instead of deleting it, I replied (vaguely). So.....a Hang and Bang? Really? I gotta say, that's a  new one. Ah, well, points for honesty (maybe ?).

I got this one last night.... and I don 't really.... I mean....
Okay, so the beginning was just a "Hey." Not a strong start, but pretty typical....but then his reply to my "hey" I get the little smiley faces. What am I supposed to do with that? Emojis aren't an actual language people. You can't just substitute words with emojis and expect that to mean anything to anyone (especially a stranger). Okay, fine. I have good conversation skills, so I can work with almost anything. Except.... I just fucking murdered it at the gym and I'm laying in bed after taking a fat dab. *sigh* Seriously? What do you even say to that? In case you are wondering, I have specifically said I do not want to date people who use drugs. So, by all means, within the first few lines of conversation, please mention that fat dab you are smoking. That's really going to make you even more appealing.

I am talking to one guy and its slow and painful. This 25 year old guy is...well, 25. He is nice, but you can see his lack of maturity sometimes. We pretty much only talk about him; it's a lot of fun. I ask a question. He answers it with like, one or two words. If I get lucky, he'll explain something with a few sentences....but then we go back to the usual. Why then, you might ask, am I still talking to him? The answer? Well, yesterday the answer was I am trying to give him a chance to warm up a bit. He is perfectly able to converse in multiple, full sentences; He did so in our initial messages. He would have never gotten my number otherwise. But today? Well, put it this way: after I said, "you know, if you ever want to know anything about me, you can ask me anything too,"  his response was:
"Will Do :)"

Until next time,

(Twitter: @plainjanedating)

Men: What NOT to post in your profile and messages  

Posted by Plain Jane in , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I've been unemployed for a while now, but I think I have found the perfect job: helping men with their profiles so that they don't scream at the very least, "very creepy" and at the most, "serial killer." I've received quite a few messages this week. The following are just a few of the best (re: worst). I will show you my talents of explaining what NOT to post in your profile and messages.

Here is one example:

Um....gosh, so much to say. Where to start? Where to start? How about I just say - no creepy face masks that make you look like a serial killer. I mean why? What was this guy thinking? This photo is sure to bring in the ladies? No, no it won't. Because it's creepy. And it makes me think you may just turn me into a skin suit. And ladies, if, by some complete lapse in judgment, you consider this guy, let me refer you to example two:

I blocked out his face out for privacy, but I'll tell you what he was doing. He was mirroring the creepy clown picture behind him. Yeah. That's just. Well, you know.

So I would like to open this business and offer consulting for people on dating websites. I would almost do it for free because I almost feel sorry for this guy (and whomever he messages). He is never going to get a date with pictures like these. I guarantee it. But perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe there is a Ms. Creepy for this clown-loving-face-mask-wearing guy. Love comes in all forms I guess.

This business is not all about the pictures either. I would also like to help guys write their initial messages to a woman. I've gotten a lot of great examples this week. this first one is, I hope am sure is a typo. Because otherwise, it's just creepy.

Yes. That's it. The entire message. Did he forget to put "will?" As in, "I will find you" ??? (hello creepy!) Or maybe he was writing the message, accidentally hit send, realized his mistake and.... didn't write another message finishing his thought? Ummm.....let's just move on.

Of course I have gotten a few astrology sign messages in my day. They always give me a laugh.

I don't keep up on astrology, but I am pretty sure two Geminis dating is a recipe for disaster. Obliviously he doesn't know that. Or he does know and wants to give it the ol' college try. Perhaps we are destined to be greater than the fate that the astrological world predicts. Or something.

Then, of course, there is relocation and domestic partnership:

"Hi, I don't know you, but would you up and move your whole life for me so we can be wed and you can be my housewife? You'll never have to work again. I promise. There is just one catch. You'll have to live in the basement with these custom chains I had made just for you. They have, uh, diamonds on them. See? I promised you one ring, but I am so awesome I am going to give you two. Oh yes, and I forgot, its such a dangerous neighborhood, so I will, of course, be putting bars on the windows and locking the door. Its for your protection, you see." So, apparently this is not just a dating website, but a mail-order bride website. Or the start of a really bad serial killer movie. Please, please, please tell me no one actually falls for this???

This next one is my favorite.
Aside from boasting about his prince Albert piercing, it's mostly because it is so lazy and unimaginative. The guy basically copied his profile into his message. Not even all of it. These must be the tantalizing bits he thinks will win me over. Ravish and drain? I'm curious. If your imagination spreads so thin that you have to resort to copying and pasting your lines from profile to message, exactly how do you plan on ravishing me? I think it probably takes a bit of creativity; I mean to ravish and drain someone indicates some skill and skill in this arena usually indicates the ability to be creative. You aren't exactly exuberating confidence here. Oh, I get it. That's what Prince Albert is for. You're bad in bed and he makes up for it; does the heavy lifting. Got it.
(Oh, and side note....: what's shaking bacon?" Really?")

Personally, I think I could make a fortune. Do you realize this is just a tiny sample of poor message/profiles in the vast space of online dating? I don't have any statistics, but I wager its a very high percentage of men that have something similar to one of these examples and, not surprisingly, they aren't attracting a lot of positive attention. It's like a profitable service for the individual man and a kind of community service for women everywhere.

Plain Jane's Guide to Online Dating is officially in business.


"Just Friends"  

Posted by Plain Jane in , , , , , , , , ,

I am, by no means, a elegant person. I am awkward and I fumbled through life in such a way that I could easily do a palm-face, shaking head motion to almost anything. Especially in the real world, especially with men. Except for on dates. Oddly enough, I'm like a peacock displaying my best feathers and I have to say, I do pretty well. It may be the only time I actually make sense to strangers. I am just prefacing this because I am about to step up to the mocking block and ...well...

We are going to call this guy "Just Friends Guy (JFG)" Now, we started talking some time ago, I don't know when exactly, but long enough that I deleted his chats and forgot he existed. I can only assume he fell off my radar because I was either interested in someone else or not interested enough in him. He contacted me (again) a few short weeks ago and said he had been going through old messages and saw I was active again (re: he re-checked out my profile because that's the only way he could possibly know this information). I emailed him back and told him (in my most apologetic messaging tone) that I was sorry, but I had forgotten who he was. He replied with the entirety of our conversations from a few months ago. Well, that's weird. But moving on. I read those messages over and he had seemed nice enough, so still not remembering the events that led me away from him, I decided to talk to him again. And he was pretty interesting.

Unluckily for him, I had just had a week of having been stood up and blown off twice in one week by two separate men, so I was feeling a little anti-men at that moment. But we talked a bit and he asked me out and because I am me, I throw caution to the wind, and say yes. But due to the holidays, we didn't actually set a date for our date until in between that forgotten week between Christmas and New Years. Over the holidays we texted messaged causal "hellos" and "how is your day?" kind of conversation; nothing exciting. I wasn't trying too hard because of the whole nightmare men disaster I previously mentioned, but I had the common sense not to say that, so I just did my part in the conversation to convey interested and a little somewhat-suppressed excitement of meeting him. Cool as a cucumber, I believe the phrase.

So date night comes (Friday night) and he chooses a new bar (as in brand new, it had opened on the previous Tuesday). This is his thing: going to new bars and restaurants. He likes trying new places, never orders the same thing twice. That's cool, I think (although to be honest, I am utterly habitual about routine, so something we don't have in common). But then he says, "I picked this place because it's new and that's my thing. So even if you didn't show up, it wouldn't matter because I wanted to come here anyway."  ...... It wouldn't matter? Wow, way to make a girl feel special. 'Your presence doesn't matter because I wanted to do this anyway, so it's all good for me either way.'

Ok. Fine. This guy is young (mid-twenties, which everyone knows in maturity level is like, early twenties for men) and first dates, by nature, can be awkward so I'll look past it. As we talk he paints a pretty good picture of himself. He likes normal things, challenges, has good, healthy relationships, goals, dreams, ideas and he is pretty cute. Finally! I think. A good catch. And we laugh and talk about things I'd like to do with my life and the current dreams he is pursuing (after another awkward moment when he explained to me the concept of confidentiality in the business world (I am a counselor and confidentiality is par for the course in my job and he knows this, but again, I chalk this up to first date jitters). We even talk to this poor guy who sullied up to the bar in an exhausted kind of way. It turns out he owns the acupuncture place next door who is waiting for the plumber to fix his issue with the toilets. Originally from California, this guy's dream was to attend college at Berkeley, but he never attained that dream.Funny enough, he moved to CO an set up shop in this neighborhood - two points if you can name the neighborhood correctly - why yes, it is Berkeley. I know this much detail (actually far more) about the man's life because he basically crashed our date for a bit. JFG chatted him up (in such a way that it is almost like they were on a date). These two are talking about how interesting the bar is and they even share a sip of the same cocktail (yep, two total strangers drinking from the same cup. This is getting weird, I think; especially so because when Berkeley leaves, he tells JFG to finish his drink for him and JFG actually does. Again with the awkward. So we are having what I consider to be a good time and then abruptly (and I do mean that in the truest sense of the word) he asks for the check, pays for the drinks, and within five minutes we are outside of the restaurant and I am wondering how that happened so quickly. In my head I actually asked the question, "Is it something I said?" because it was such a quick turn around. Or perhaps he just reached his two drink limit on his own night out on the town, to which I seem to be an accessory, not an actual key player in the evening. Well, given the  guy's name, you must know where this is headed. We walk a little ways up the road and appropriately, our cars happen to be in separate directions. JFG gives me the line, "I think we should just be friends" and a quick, awkward hug, and he is gone.

Ouch. Okay, that hurt. Despite these weird moments, the guy was genuinely nice and I really have to give him kudos because he was direct and honest about the date not working out. This has never happened in the ten years I've been dating. Ever. But the thing is, is that I already have friends and I am not looking for new ones, so in my head, I take his "just friends" line as the widely socially accepted rejection that it is and try to move forward.

On New Years day, I get this text message from him and it reads, "Happy New Year! So, part of my new years tradition is to help other people with their goals. So let me know if you are serious about trying to get a nonprofit counseling service going or want to hook up your bike to your tv. I would love to help!"

At first I am just incredulous. Speechless. I've got the "wait, what?" line running through my head more than once. Did this guy.... did he really just reject me so openly and then offer to help improve my life? Did he really mean he wanted to be friends? Like I would go on a date with him, be friend-zoned and actually want to be friends with him!!! Oh come on. No one is that clueless. Not today, not in the dating world. Being friend-zoned is a verb and people use it often. This guy can't be so incredibly naive to think a woman who is interested in him romantically is willing to settle for just friendship. Not two days after the rejection. And certainly not with the offer of helping to improve her life. No. Just no.

And just to be sure it wasn't me being overly negative, I asked some people around me if they thought this was weird. Insensitive. Ridiculous. Clueless. Naive. And the answer was yes. Because it is. All of those things. Even now, as I type this a day later I am still baffled. I want to talk to this kid and ask him to explain his logic and how he though texting a 32 year old woman that he just turned down with an offer to help her with her life goals was anything short of idiotic. I also want to tell him one of my goals in 2018 is to get into a relationship and ask if he seriously wants to help with that one too?

In case you are wondering, I did text him back and no, I did not ask him WTF? (though believe me, I wanted to). Instead I said happy new year, thanks for the offer, and I'll keep him in mind. And I will. Keep this poor, clueless, awkward guy in mind.....I'll keep him in mind as another OLD dating disaster and hopefully will never go on a date like that again.

Welcome to 2018 everyone.

(now on twitter @plainjanedating)