It's funny. Everyone who reads my blog and makes a comment to me usually says the same things:
- "WTF????"
- "I don't know how you do it?"
- "Do people really say that stuff?"
- "They can't think that actually works, right?"
- "WTF!!!!!!!!"
It's alarming that people say such incredibly moronic things and expect to get anywhere, but I promise you, they do say it. Do they think their charming messages work? I cannot say for sure, but I suspect they do. I cannot imagine they would say this shit otherwise, but then again, what do I know? I still believe in romance and the novel idea of being respectful and appropriate towards others.
"Hey hey yes I'm looking for purdy girls @ 1:27..." [You know, I don't even care if it's 1:27am.... I do care that you are looking for "purdy" girls. How hard is it to spell out pretty? It's 6 letters as opposed to 5 and you sound moronic saying it like that. Like maybe you don't know the English language. Or like you are a moron. Either way, not a great selling point for dating you.]
My amusement continues with his profile because he lists one of his "turn offs" as "Grammar correction." Perhaps if you don't want to be corrected on your grammar, you should stop using words like "purdy" and not using commas and periods. I am just saying.