I am going to rant about men, cuddling, and sex. And pictures of penises. Multiple pictures.
And if that line sentence doesn't grab your attention, just wait until the last one.
I mentioned in another blog that I have noticed a trend in men lately - that trend being the increased comments that men love to "cuddle." On Skout I have had multiple people message me asking if I like to cuddle and they want to cuddle with me. On more appropriate websites (eharmony, match.com, okcupid), loving to cuddle is mentioned somewhere in the profile about 90% of the time. I spoke with two men about this, seeking out some male point of views. The first is from someone I met on okcupid and we have been talking (with actual real conversations, SHOCK!) for a couple weeks now. He is fairly intuitive and has a good handle on the views of society and himself. He says that I have noticed the trend because as I have gotten older, I am looking for men who have gotten older and as we age, our preferences change from just wanting physical sex and wanting more intimacy (i.e., cuddling) and that cuddling does not always equal sex. I don't entirely disagree with him. I think that is true of some older men, though I don't really know what age group that would be. I have not noticed the ages of everyone who has proposed cuddling or has it in their profile. I usually see ages 23-35. The other guy I talked to is in his late 20s and the only guy on Skout who is looking for friendship with no sexual undertones. Seriously. I found the one and only guy. So I asked him. And he said, "yeah, most guys use "cuddling" and sex synonymously. They obviously don't intend to merely cuddle. As such is the mentality of men. lol. I personally love to just cuddle........there probably aren't many men who do enjoy it just for cuddling," I think he sums it up well: guys use cuddling and sex synonymously. Stereotypically, women are the cuddlers, so if a guy's aim is sex, he just interchanges it with cuddling to reel in the woman. Mystery solved.
So, sometimes when I am bored I talk to people who message me on Skout. I am talking about the people who don't start out the conversation telling me I'm sooooo beautiful or they want to marry me or blah, blah, blah. Just the guys who say, "Hi" and don't appear to be pervs. Although I should underline appear, because sometimes they do end up being pervs. Can't win them all I guess. I also am chatting with Cuddle Buddy (a guy from one of my previous entries) cause he is actually pretty nice and we've had a couple good conversations. I chat with a guy from California as well because most of the time he is cool. With every conversation I have had this weel (incl. Cuddle Buddy and California), at some point they've shown me a picture of their penis. Why? Why? Why? Why? If I wanted to see it, I'd have asked. Last night California (28yrs old) said to me:
C: Mine was okay too. Nothing special. Now watching tv and wishing you were here [pardon me while I gag. what a line]
Me: Aw :-) What are you watching?
C: Game of Thrones
Me: Enjoying it?
C: yep yep.
Me: That's good :-)
C: I wouldn't mind being distracted from it though if you were here to cuddle with ;-) [roll eyes here]
Me: Lol, yes, it's too bad I am not
C: hmmm. What would we be doing sweetie?
And there it is. The fork in the road. I could make this go clean or dirty. Dirty is me saying we would be doing something sexual and I'd probably pull some scenario from one of the romance novels that Bananney has loaned me. I am 99.9% positive he'd send me a penis picture if I chose this road (a. because he before, and b. because all the guys want you to see how hard they are. I think it's a male pride thing). Or I could head in the cleaner direction and deflect the conversation to something safe. Which is what I did. Normally, I'd probably have gone the dirty way to see where it took me (well, I'd have meander about half way down that road until things got weird. I like social experiments until they get creepy; I do have limits). But after a couple of days of people being consistently creepy, I just couldn't take it anymore. So I replied, "Well, cuddling of course." That effectively ended the conversation (well, he gave an emoticon smile). Just like that, conversation over. Oh California. So, so predictable. Cuddle Buddy sent me a picture of his penis too and asked if I liked it. What am I supposed to say? No? It's a little small for my taste? Are you cold or something? Does it always hang to the left like that? Come on. Because of my annoyed state of mind, I did not answer him. This morning I asked him what his reaction would be if I said no. He laughed out loud and then said, "I would cry and call you a liar ;-)" So confident. He's lucky I am in a better mood, or else I would find some other remark that would burn a little and probably take a strike at his...manhood.
Here is the thing. I get that guys are horny and that sexting is a turn on and probably allows them a little material for their own...pleasure...but seriously. We are strangers. He would never show me his penis if we strangers and were face-to-face. That's a felony.
The Internet allows us to live dangerously. Anonymity bolsters confidence and lets us be whomever we want. He doesn't know if I am who I said I am. What if I am really a 16 year old girl who had some brilliant idea to try Skout out and sext with people? He could get in a world of trouble if that were the case and someone found out and reported it. I think this is more of a guy thing, but my chatting buddy assures me women have texted him looking for sexting too. Maybe I am old fashioned, but I think body parts should stay in the pants until you're dating and have reached a point where both parties want to play show and tell.
Anyway, Skout has been trying my patience a little. Guys think they are so smooth. They are not.
Agent Blue got two messages. The last one will leave you speechless. No. Seriously. It left me speechless.

Speechless. I know.