I am sorry about all the formatting issues in my last entry. I don't usually see my blog from a visitor's point of view, so I had no idea it was formatting weird. Anyway, so today I am just posting pictures with commentary. Nothing has been going on at okcupid that's worth blogging about. Skout, as always, is keeping Agent Blue and I entertained. So, hopefully you'll be entertained as well. We will start with Agent Blue's:
[Well, since I'm your type...yes.]
[I told her to reply, I don't know if she did or not. Now I wonder, what exactly screams, "I'm good in bed?" (ha ha, pun intended). Is it the innocent looking picture or something in the fairly simple profile? Or is it just a guy shoveling shit in hopes he'll get laid? I am sure it's the latter. Cause hey, if he had contacted me and said this.....I'd for sure go out with him. Never.]
[Ahh, so sweet. That's true love.]
[Ha ha. Oh man. I wish she would of replied. I would have loved to see his answer. I wonder if this actually ever works. And really, Fuck off? Guess this guy has had some lady troubles...I don't know why. I certainly think he is prince charming.]
Here are mine from the past few days:
[I don't even know what to say. I've been complimented on my smile a million times before, but I don't think anyone has ever said this (or any version of this) to me. Ever. Nice way to try and stand out. But...Epic Fail.]
[No I don't. I think the age line only works in bars and restaurants when staff is looking for a good tip. And even then all women know the person's full of shit.]
[Yes. Yes I do mind. But hey. at least he asked. Twice. Although it was after he already called me babe, so what is the point of asking at all?]
[Um....... thank you?]
[At least he asked. And when I replied no he didn't harass me. I guess that makes him only kind of sleazy]
[Well, this just got awkward.]
[Yes, I would love to be you Queen. Now, cake or death? - ha ha, sorry, only a few people will get that (Eddie Izzard fans), but I couldn't resist.]
Oh men. You're just so...clueless.
- PJ