I haven't gotten many messages from either skout or okcupid for a couple days. I think the universe is sensing how tired I am of hearing the same few things over and over ("hey gorgeous," "you're beautiful", "hey sexy,", "lovely smile",..... marry me) and was giving me a pause before continuing down this lovely road. I appreciate the radio silence because I am getting to a point were all of those messages sound disingenuous to me and I think that is the a hop, skip, and a jump away from being so jaded that I just don't come back from it.
I am going to break my anonymous rule...kinda. I have a picture I want to show, someones profile picture. I've cut off the eyes so it's not totally identifiable. This is one of those, how-could-you-ever-think-this-was-a-good-idea pictures.

And of course there was the message that started out (and ended as far as I am concerned) with:
"I don't bite that hard. lol." So very charming and witty.
I also got a conversation that went like this:
"Hi how are you? Im italian and you are really nice and elegent." [He has no idea if I am nice and none of my pictures really scream (or whisper for that matter) "elegant." But he is Italian. So really, who cares?
There is more to this conversation, but I only snap-shot it after it got interesting. which was about 5 sentences in. So, here is the good part:
"Do you want to know what I do with that woman?" [ummmm....yes?]
"Tell me." [and I am bracing myself for some sort of sexual something, btw]
"Ad distance I used to buy u gift for her in internet and send her by dhl courier. When we met i cooked for her. cleaned hem home. Took in nice resutaunts and also i paid a holiday for her and her friend." [Forgive the bad English guys, he is Italian]
"And what happened to that woman?"
"She got married 6 months ago." [Imagine silence, then a couple cricket sounds. Wait. What?]
"Not to you though."
"Oh no. I knew she was engaged. U like dominating like her?" [ Forget the dominating...go back to the engagement...]
"So you had an affair with her and then she got married?"
"I knew that. No problem. I even paid for her wedding." [No way. I call bull shit. You gave this woman the world and then paid for her to marry some other guy???]
"You paid for this woman to marry someone else? Wouldn't your time be better spent finding someone you want to marry?"
"I love to be used. Submissive man. [huh.]
"I see." [and then I go. Because this is just weird on so many levels. Even for me and I work with weird for a living.]
I actually have gotten a few messages from men in different country who want to be dominated or want to "wine and dine" me. I have never had someone who has wanted me to use them in such a blatantly obvious way. And I cannot believe anyone would do that. I mean, I can believe it, because I know it happens, but I continually experience shock that a person could do that to someone. That is F'd up. And according to many men I know, women do this all the time for free shit. I do know one guy who did it to a girl. He'll remain nameless, but I had many a conversation with him about it in my earlier, more naive days.
I love these next few:
I love these next few:

[and really "get your fine ass over here?"]
Here is where they start to get really good:

This one is the best. Hands down.
[It takes all kinds.]
But you know. They aren't all bad. I met a guy, who I'll call...Muscles (because seriously, he has beautiful arms, lol). He is super nice. We talk about a lot of different things and he is pleasant and respectful. I know. It's like the Holy Grail of OLD. Honestly, I would totally date him. He is not looking to date. Oh the irony. Now that, my friends, is the universe laughing at me.
Here is a guy who tried and I commend him for it. I didn't feel the need to take a shower after reading it. So, that's a plus in my book:
Stay tuned because I am sure I will have more later. Hopefully one day soon I'll actually go on a real date and will be able to tell real stories about dates and not just showing you the extent to which people will go to say hello.
This entry was posted
on Monday, June 01, 2015
at Monday, June 01, 2015
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online dating,
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