Usually every blog post is a mockery of people who have messaged me (or Agent Blue) with ridiculous messages...and I will get to that (because it never ends). But I did want to start out with positive news (on this blog? What?)
I had a date last night with a nice guy. No, I mean it. He was nice and respectful and sweet. A mythical creature I was sure did not exist. And our date? Fantastic. We went bowling. It's the first fun date I have been on. Ever. (Wow, that is sad - I mean, I guess I have had other relatively good dates, but not fun ones like this). Of course, there was that nervous awkwardness that every first date produces, but it was like, a good kind of awkwardness. The kind you have when you want to impress your date and want things to go really well. And there was a good night kiss, for all of you wondering. A good one. ;-) . And talk of a 2nd date. Yay!
So I have managed to fine one good guy online. But for every one guy, I have been approached by 100 weird, creepy, or gross men. And what would my blog be if I didn't share those joyous experiences?

Until next time!