Goodness, it's been awhile. And things have happened haven't they? I guess it's time for a PJ update....
Mr. Gotham City and I sort of broke ties after he freaked out about me not calling him back when i said I would. Oh, and because I was busy with friends on another night he wanted to call me. I guess we all have our insecurities and his came shining through. So I said good-bye. I have my own insecurities to worry about - I can't spend time tending to his.
There was another guy - Sexy Pants...and I thought, maybe. I mean, he seemed decent enough to me. Smart, witty, nice, gave me tons of compliments. But after meeting me (and being quite charming on the date and paying my a lip-service of compliments during) he suddenly had issues with his ex and had to say adiĆ³s [through text message, how classy]. I think he was lying about the ex, just to ...ah, how do they say it? Let me down gently? ... It felt like a let down [read: rejection]. That and I saw him online on my dating website two days ago. Clearly things aren't so up in the air with the ex that he can't stroll for girls online. Ah, well, his loss, not mine [okay, yes, it was disappointing, but you win some, you lose some].
Well, I cannot seem to break the first date streak, which I find incredibly annoying. I am just a girl looking for a guy. I just want to [eventually] find my own love story. Some people keep saying my expectations are too high, but I promise they aren't. All I want is a second date. But maybe THAT is too high of an expectation?Who would have thought? I mean, its only date two. It's not like I am asking for a ring or anything. I mean, I already have the ring... [oh, calm down - that was just a joke. It's an heirloom].Well, anyway. I have a new plan.
I think I am going to just go out with any respectable guy that asks. Yes. Even if he calls me sexy pants or some other ridiculous name. Or uses some really cheesy pick-up line. Why am I doing this when I have so adamantly mocked these fellows before? Clearly I just need to go out on a lot of [first] dates. Screw standards or being serious about this. The one? Who cares about finding the elusive "one" or my own love story. For right now. I am just going to live in the moment. Date [a lot]. Just really get knee-deep into it; challenge my introverted self. So. It's the first-date challenge. No expectations, no hopes or wishes for a second date. And a perk? I am bound to meet lots of guys and have plenty of stories to tell - of which I will do here.
I only have 3 standards:
a.) they must be geographically desirable (yes, I was propositioned in South Dakota the other day)
b.) they have to be at least decent looking. I am no Kate Moss, but I think I am pretty enough.
c.) sex cannot be his main objective. Because it certainly isn't mine.
And so this is it...the first date challenge [ah, this sort of sounds like the plot to a really bad teen-romance movie]. Cue the inspiring music.
Here I go.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, December 08, 2010
at Wednesday, December 08, 2010
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online dating
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First - Kate Moss is gross. You are way better than her. Any time of day. End of discussion. :)
Second - sexy pants or not, if he's a dweeb, screw it. Plenty of fishes in the seaaaaa :)
Third - I'm glad you have standards and SUPER glad you are willing to go out with all sorts of fellas. You know what you THINK you like, but... you might find that some things aren't as important later that they SEEM today... :)
Good luck. XOXOXO, Nix :)
December 13, 2010 at 8:58 PM