"Would it be tired and uninteresting to say, "There's nothing plain about you, Jane!"
Yes, yes I think it would, but still, it's just so fun to say. I like rhymes. By the way, is there a good way I can use "plane" in place of "plain"? I feel like there's something fun there and I'm just not seeing it. Wait, I've got it. Ahem, "There's nothing plane about you, Jane!"
Uh, you see in this this sense plane refers to a two dimensional space, and I'm trying to say you seem very multidimensional. Anyway, I better put a stop to this before I really humiliate myself ah, too late.."
I am not quite sure how one writes this thinking its going to go well. I mean, at best, I think you are really nerdy (at worst, I think you're insane). And while I like a little nerd mixed in my man, I am not a fan of big nerd, and this email just screams it. What I find even more humorous is that in this guy's profile he says he is a normal guy, but his profile actually reads a lot like his message to me. read: not normal.
Ah, well, points for trying.
In other news...
One of the normal guys I am talking to may not be normal at all. His emails are a little...off. I have talked about it before - how he seems to stretch the truth. I just answered his last email and sort of called him on it in the politest way I could. We'll see what he comes up with next.
As I mentioned briefly in the last blog, Mr. Gotham City and I are still talking. Before I was really annoyed by his complete vagueness, but now he seems to be opening up, which is good. We've gotten to know each other and we agreed that we'd meet sometime over the next few weeks (I am on break from school). So I'll have an update about that one soon. What's hard about Gotham is that I have sort of gotten attached. So if it doesn't work out, I will be bummed (just like with sexy pants). The whole point of this dating challenge was to only going on first dates so I didn't get attached (or have to feel bummed if it didn't work) and just meet a bunch of people. But this goes against my nature, of course (I'm an introvert at heart) - perhaps its why I am having trouble with it. I haven't gotten attached to any of the new guys though. Although, in my mind there is precious little to get attached too. Now that I have been doing it a couple of weeks, I don't necessarily know that this dating challenge is going to be wonderful. Especially if I can't get excited about the guys I am talking to. How am I supposed to be excited about a date if I sort of could care less if I continue talking to them??? Hmmmm. Maybe I am just not the no-attachment kind of gal needed to just randomly date lots of guys. Something to mull over, I think.
Ah, well..... until next time.
p.s. I have decided when people add you to their favorites, but don't try talking to you, its really, really creepy. Like stalking. So men, take note. It's creepy, stalking-like behavior. And you should refrain from doing it!
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on Monday, December 27, 2010
at Monday, December 27, 2010
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