Anything But Plain...or plane.  

Posted by Plain Jane

"Would it be tired and uninteresting to say, "There's nothing plain about you, Jane!"
Yes, yes I think it would, but still, it's just so fun to say. I like rhymes. By the way, is there a good way I can use "plane" in place of "plain"? I feel like there's something fun there and I'm just not seeing it. Wait, I've got it. Ahem, "There's nothing plane about you, Jane!"
Uh, you see in this this sense plane refers to a two dimensional space, and I'm trying to say you seem very multidimensional. Anyway, I better put a stop to this before I really humiliate myself ah, too late.."

I am not quite sure how one writes this thinking its going to go well. I mean, at best, I think you are really nerdy (at worst, I think you're insane). And while I like a little nerd mixed in my man, I am not a fan of big nerd, and this email just screams it. What I find even more humorous is that in this guy's profile he says he is a normal guy, but his profile actually reads a lot like his message to me. read: not normal.

Ah, well, points for trying.

In other news...

One of the normal guys I am talking to may not be normal at all. His emails are a I have talked about it before - how he seems to stretch the truth. I just answered his last email and sort of called him on it in the politest way I could. We'll see what he comes up with next.

As I mentioned briefly in the last blog, Mr. Gotham City and I are still talking. Before I was really annoyed by his complete vagueness, but now he seems to be opening up, which is good. We've gotten to know each other and we agreed that we'd meet sometime over the next few weeks (I am on break from school). So I'll have an update about that one soon. What's hard about Gotham is that I have sort of gotten attached. So if it doesn't work out, I will be bummed (just like with sexy pants). The whole point of this dating challenge was to only going on first dates so I didn't get attached (or have to feel bummed if it didn't work) and just meet a bunch of people. But this goes against my nature, of course (I'm an introvert at heart) - perhaps its why I am having trouble with it. I haven't gotten attached to any of the new guys though. Although, in my mind there is precious little to get attached too. Now that I have been doing it a couple of weeks, I don't necessarily know that this dating challenge is going to be wonderful. Especially if I can't get excited about the guys I am talking to. How am I supposed to be excited about a date if I sort of could care less if I continue talking to them??? Hmmmm. Maybe I am just not the no-attachment kind of gal needed to just randomly date lots of guys. Something to mull over, I think.

Ah, well..... until next time.


p.s. I have decided when people add you to their favorites, but don't try talking to you, its really, really creepy. Like stalking. So men, take note. It's creepy, stalking-like behavior. And you should refrain from doing it!

Lesson #432: A picture NOT to add to your profile.  

Posted by Plain Jane

I have been talking to a couple of guys lately.

One that lives in Texas....he breaks one of my cardinal rules: not being geographically desirable...but I am SO curious as to how it will play out. I mean, what makes a guy message a girl who lives several states away? What exactly is he hoping to get out of this? And so...we talk. He seems really nice. I almost with he lived near me.

The second guy I am talking about seems pretty cocky. He does, however meet my four rules, so this is why we are talking. But he brags a lot. And a lot of what he says doesn't make a whole lot of the lines just don't connect. I am not sure if he is lying or stretching the truth...but something about him doesn't scream genuine. I will probably go on a date anyway. You know, my challenge and all.

And Mr. Gotham City is back. Things seems to be going well.

But the person I want to talk about I am NOT talking to. The creep factor is high. But I want to call attention to his profile picture - which is posted below (and I am posting it only because his face is obscured). So feast your eyes on this one:

Talk about creepy. I'd love to message this guy, and ask him what in the world he could possibly be thinking posting this picture. If it weren't creepy enough that he has a gigantic gun, he had to go ahead and post a picture where his face is completely covered up. I mean, how could he think this would be a good picture to post? How could he possible think that it would be a winning shot [pun intended]. I mean, these dating sites stress being ultra careful about who you meet - and who exactly is going to want to go on a date with this guy? Although maybe he is taking the obvious approach. I mean the best serial killers look completely normal - so maybe he thinks by posting this he is throwing off suspicion??? Ah, who knows.

But seriously.


Boy-Robot Spec List  

Posted by Plain Jane

Alright, so I know I gave myself the challenge of chatting up every guy and going on dates whenever possible. This is harder than I imagined. I have gotten plenty of messages - but when I look at their profiles the attraction piece is missing. This should make me feel shallow, but it doesn't. I mean, attraction is important. It just is. *shrugs* Here are a list of some of my...more quality...messages

"My name is John." - Yes, that was it. Literally. And what makes it funnier is that his screen-name is his name plus a couple of numbers. So, even without the grand intro, I already knew his name. Sort of makes his message useless huh?

And then I got a message from a guy that said
"Just wanted to say hi." and when I wrote him back, he never replied. I guess he, quite literally, just wanted to say hi.

I also recieved a message from a 37 year old man that told me I had a great profile and he hoped we could chat sometime. I guess I should have mentioned my fourth requirement in my previous blog - age..... between the ages of 23-29 (I'm 25). Because 37 is too old for me to date. In a creepy kind of way.

But my favorite message was this one:

"Hey there!!
Well to start off I am..
1/ 2 Hawaiian 1/2 Mexican
Stocky/Athletic...division II football
Single, Light brown eyes,Short jet black hair, Straight white teeth
Clear complexion ( NO facial hair ) Dress very Nice
Very Funny
UNC (Business/Marketing)
Nightclub/Bar Manager
Downtown Denver,(xxx)-xxx-xxxx
(yes, he actually gave me his #)
Never been married
33 years old..

I hope I intrigued your interest

(full name ommited to protect the guilty)
I hope you like what you see"

Oh boy.
It's like one of those spec lists you read when trying to determine what a piece of electronic equipment to buy. I in the market for a boy-robot? No, I don't think so. And, apparently, among his litany of "qualities" he forgot to mention he can't read. I mean, perhaps I am making an assumption on this one, but I have good reason - it DOES state on my profile that I am interested in guys ages 23-29.....and he is 33. Ah, maybe it's just an oversight. Well, aside from the age thing (because in all honesty, I could probably accept 33 if the guy was a real catch), he is not attractive. In fact, he doesn't even look 33. More like 43. And even if we were going the non-shallow route (and I am, I promise)...I was sort of hoping for an email that didn't read like like a spec list. I mean, how hard is it to write a decent message? (Apparently, very hard). No, it wasn't just the message either. He wasn't intriguing. At least not for me.

I did, however, receive a message from a guy ("Pool Guy" I am dubbing him). Though he seems like a good guy (for far), he is unemployed. Which does not thrill me. But, as part of my challenge, I am determined not to care. He meets every other requirement. So. We are messaging. Perhaps if we can get past that, we'll go out for a date.

No more dinners though. Too much pressure. I am beginning to think going out for drinks is the way to go. That way, if it ends up being really uncomfortable (anyone remember creepy stare guy?), I have alcohol to ease the suffering ;-)

Well, until next time

The First Date Challenge  

Posted by Plain Jane in

Goodness, it's been awhile. And things have happened haven't they? I guess it's time for a PJ update....

Mr. Gotham City and I sort of broke ties after he freaked out about me not calling him back when i said I would. Oh, and because I was busy with friends on another night he wanted to call me. I guess we all have our insecurities and his came shining through. So I said good-bye. I have my own insecurities to worry about - I can't spend time tending to his.

There was another guy - Sexy Pants...and I thought, maybe. I mean, he seemed decent enough to me. Smart, witty, nice, gave me tons of compliments. But after meeting me (and being quite charming on the date and paying my a lip-service of compliments during) he suddenly had issues with his ex and had to say adiĆ³s [through text message, how classy]. I think he was lying about the ex, just to ...ah, how do they say it? Let me down gently? ... It felt like a let down [read: rejection]. That and I saw him online on my dating website two days ago. Clearly things aren't so up in the air with the ex that he can't stroll for girls online. Ah, well, his loss, not mine [okay, yes, it was disappointing, but you win some, you lose some].

Well, I cannot seem to break the first date streak, which I find incredibly annoying. I am just a girl looking for a guy. I just want to [eventually] find my own love story. Some people keep saying my expectations are too high, but I promise they aren't. All I want is a second date. But maybe THAT is too high of an expectation?Who would have thought? I mean, its only date two. It's not like I am asking for a ring or anything. I mean, I already have the ring... [oh, calm down - that was just a joke. It's an heirloom].Well, anyway. I have a new plan.

I think I am going to just go out with any respectable guy that asks. Yes. Even if he calls me sexy pants or some other ridiculous name. Or uses some really cheesy pick-up line. Why am I doing this when I have so adamantly mocked these fellows before? Clearly I just need to go out on a lot of [first] dates. Screw standards or being serious about this. The one? Who cares about finding the elusive "one" or my own love story. For right now. I am just going to live in the moment. Date [a lot]. Just really get knee-deep into it; challenge my introverted self. So. It's the first-date challenge. No expectations, no hopes or wishes for a second date. And a perk? I am bound to meet lots of guys and have plenty of stories to tell - of which I will do here.

I only have 3 standards:
a.) they must be geographically desirable (yes, I was propositioned in South Dakota the other day)
b.) they have to be at least decent looking. I am no Kate Moss, but I think I am pretty enough.
c.) sex cannot be his main objective. Because it certainly isn't mine.

And so this is it...the first date challenge [ah, this sort of sounds like the plot to a really bad teen-romance movie]. Cue the inspiring music.

Here I go.