After a hot minute of going on several dates with one guy, then about a week of barely speaking to me, canceling on me twice, AND then standing me up, he decided he didn't have the "emotional bandwidth" (yes, he really said that, dumb ass) to have a relationship. Then, as if he couldn't be any more of an idiot, he text me a few days later saying he missed me and wanted to know if we could get together and talk (because in his mind, we had great conversations; in my mind there was a whole lot of talking on his end and it wasn't exactly stimulating). Of course I said no.
Moving on.
So now I am back to my favorite dating apps: OkCupid and Plenty of Fish. And let me tell you...cupid has taken a permanent vacation and the pond must have been chemically treated because this is what I am getting:
It's pretty easy to spot guys who are looking for a hookup. Someone wanting to "rock my world" is definitely a tell-tale sign; a dead give-away. And well, you know me. I have a hard time resisting these guys for blogging fodder, so instead of deleting it, I replied (vaguely). So.....a Hang and Bang? Really? I gotta say, that's a new one. Ah, well, points for honesty (maybe ?).
I got this one last night.... and I don 't really.... I mean....
Okay, so the beginning was just a "Hey." Not a strong start, but pretty typical....but then his reply to my "hey" I get the little smiley faces. What am I supposed to do with that? Emojis aren't an actual language people. You can't just substitute words with emojis and expect that to mean anything to anyone (especially a stranger). Okay, fine. I have good conversation skills, so I can work with almost anything. Except.... I just fucking murdered it at the gym and I'm laying in bed after taking a fat dab. *sigh* Seriously? What do you even say to that? In case you are wondering, I have specifically said I do not want to date people who use drugs. So, by all means, within the first few lines of conversation, please mention that fat dab you are smoking. That's really going to make you even more appealing.
I am talking to one guy and its slow and painful. This 25 year old guy is...well, 25. He is nice, but you can see his lack of maturity sometimes. We pretty much only talk about him; it's a lot of fun. I ask a question. He answers it with like, one or two words. If I get lucky, he'll explain something with a few sentences....but then we go back to the usual. Why then, you might ask, am I still talking to him? The answer? Well, yesterday the answer was I am trying to give him a chance to warm up a bit. He is perfectly able to converse in multiple, full sentences; He did so in our initial messages. He would have never gotten my number otherwise. But today? Well, put it this way: after I said, "you know, if you ever want to know anything about me, you can ask me anything too," his response was:
"Will Do :)"

Until next time,
(Twitter: @plainjanedating)