Never say never  

Posted by Plain Jane in , ,

In my last blog I said I was done with on-line dating. Finito. Finished. And for a long while I was. But, as I said in that post, I say in this one: never say never.

I am back.

I am not even sure how I feel about it. So why did I go back? Well, suffice to say I am in a wholly different place then I was a year ago when I left the dating scene. I am not exactly where I want to be yet, but I see no reason to put dating on hold anymore. Besides, I am turning 30 soon. I am sure that has something to do with it too :-)

The world of OLD has not changed much since I left. Same ridiculous messages. For example;

"Wat type of man u want to have?"
"Good afternoon beautiful."

"Ther is sparks. Lol"

I got 8 messages within the first hour. I forgot the feeding frenzy that OLD starts out as. It slows down after awhile. After you become "old news" and a familiar face in searches. I am on okcupid right now. They have their own ridiculous version of tinder, where you just "accept" or "pass" on someone based solely on pictures. Its incredibly shallow...and yet I can't stop. Its like a car crash. You want to look away, but you just can't. I will be the first to admit looks are important. If there is no physical attraction, its just not going to work out romantically. That may seem shallow, but its true. So, I respect that (to a point).

Speaking of Tinder. I want to try it. Not for any real serious reason, but rather just to satisfy my own curiosity. I have heard so much about it. I have never bothered to pay attention until now. But since I am resurrecting OLD...might as well go big (or go home, as I say). It's give me more material to blog about anyway.

So stay tuned.
Who knows what I'll run into next.


This entry was posted on Monday, April 20, 2015 at Monday, April 20, 2015 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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