My online dating has been going in waves lately. For a few days I'll get a lot of messages and then nothing but crickets for a while. If I post a new picture, it'll attract some interest, but then things will die down....but its never normal interest you know? It's weird. Or gross. Always.
Exhibit A:

*Sigh* Yes, please just ignore my attempt at conversation so that you can highlight that you are naked. Let me want me to comment on your nakedness.
Exhibit B:
I do, in fact, have snapchat. I am not stupid enough to tell men that because all they want is photos of you. Usually naked. It took me very little time to realize this. So now I lie. Good thing too or some guy would be using my pictures to jerk off.....oh wait.
Exhibit C:

First of all....why would a woman lie about that? If a woman wants to draw attention to her chest size, she takes a selfie of her chest, she doesn't lie about being fat. Idiot.
Second...he asked me if I liked wrestlers and I said sure. Silly me, why didn't I realize right away wrestling was a euphemism for sex.
For Heaven's sake. Really?
I ask myself repeatedly what I did to deserve such bad dating karma....I don't know. Maybe I murdered a husband in a previous life. I am not sure why else I repeatedly get people who act like this straight out of the gate. This can't be normal. Not three messages in one 24 hour period. And of course, for those of you who know me or follow this, you know these kind of guys, these messages, are common for me. I must have gotten sucked into some dating hell vortex.
Where is the basic respect? Common decency? It can't be missing from the entirety of the male species? So why on Earth do I seem to only attract the ones who are like, "wanna sit on my face?" (yeah, that happened). Why do I keep getting the guys who make these comments ten seconds in? Or even a few conversations in. Why can I not get that respectful guy who just wants to take me out on a date and get to know me? I thought that is how dating is supposed to work.
If you sense a tone of frustration and anger in my writing instead of my usual witty sarcasm, you'd be right....because I am frustrated. I can't help but think that I am, in some way I am not aware of, attracting this type of crap. That this somehow falls on me (all joking of dating karma aside). Is it because I am overweight? These weird creepy guys have some fat fetish and this is how that plays out? Does something about my pictures scream, "hey, I really just want sex, that whole personality and dating thing doesn't matter." It's crazy how objectified I feel, considering as an overweight person, I usually feel invisible to guys (IRL). I know no one else who is having this kind of experience where it's just unrelenting messages that relating back to sex. I mean, I hear stories of other peoples' dating experiences and they aren't great....but they aren't this.
I don't even have a witty ending today. I'm just done.