Sometimes there is a lull when online dating. I have reduced my profiles online down to basically Okcupid because I find the other sites, including (a paid site) to be lacking. Okcupid has not been the most fantastic experience, after all, all of my crazy dates came from there, but somehow I feel most comfortable on this site.
They have this feature called "locals" now. It uses GPS to locate where you are and then shows you the pictures of others in your area. It is based only on pictures, so its a physical attraction thing. If you and the other person "like" each others photos, your both emailed. I both like and hate this feature. Call it whatever you want, but basically your are judging people on their looks only. The greatest problem of this feature is that you know nothing about the other person. For instance, this guy "liked" me and vice versa. When I got to his profile though, his profile said "don't message me if your liberal." If you know me, you know I am about as liberal as you can get! Had he known that...well, he wouldn't have wasted our time. Not that its a huge deal or anything, I am just's kind of annoying. I do have fun with this part of the website though. I will admit, there are some really nice looking guys on Okcupid and its like checking people out from the privacy of your own home. No awkward moments being caught checking someone out. ha ha. There were two guys I was super captivated by and probably would have married them on looks alone had they asked. Its shallow, but I guess its just speaking to the primal part of our genetic makeup.
There was one profile that I wanted to share. This guy is very good looking, but what made his profile stand out is his honesty. I wish I could find his profile to copy and paste, but I don't have it. Basically, in an nutshell it said (rather eloquently) that his lifestyle is not relationship friendly and all he wants is an adult relationship with someone who wants only sex, same as him. It sounds sleazy, but it was well said and incredibly honest. I almost messaged him to ask if he gets a lot of interest because I wanted to include that in my blog, but I didn't. Anyway, all that to say I applaud his honesty.
The other day I got a message that said, "the beauty u possesses uncompareable to any other woman if anything in this world could compare to ur heart and beauty there is not one thing that can match ur angelic beauty u are truly one of a kind"
Um....thank you? This is just creepy to send someone as a first message. Sometimes I wonder what these guys think right before they write this type of message. I mean, does it ever cross their mind that this sort of message is just...too much? Hmmm.
I am much less likely to mock these days because I am feeling the bitter taste of rejection over and over again and it has humbled me quite a bit. Not that I think every guy I "like" is going to like me back, but I do know when they "like me" then look at my profile and then don't write me. I can hear my best friend now telling me that their reasons for not messaging me have nothing to do with me, so don't worry about it. I totally agree with her, but still, that small, tiny, miniscule voice in my head relentlessly echoes that I did not catch their eye. Its silly. I have been in this online dating business for far too long without any success and I think that is the problem. Is that normal? I don't think so. Because I am talking years. I think I started this crazy online dating in 2009 or 2010. How can we already be in 2013 and I've only been on a handful of dates? I have talked to plenty of people. So what's the problem? I am sort of afraid for that answer because the common denominator in all of this is me. yikes.
Well, anyway. Life goes forward and I will live to love another day.