the Angry Divorcee  

Posted by Plain Jane

Cool guy and I are still talking. Mr. Gotham City my friends and I call him. He is cute and nice. We having been texting about a week. I don't know when we'll meet. We haven't really hashed that out. He lives about 30 minutes south of me - the only negative so far - and only because almost everything I do, I do 30 minutes north of me...which is like an hour drive to hang out with my friends or go to church with me (not that we've gotten that far, I'm just saying in a hypothetical situation). Who knows what will happen.

At this moment, I am more interested in talking about this guy who indicated he wanted to meet me (a new plentyoffish feature that I find rather annoying. Now instead of sending a message, they can just click a button that says they want to meet me. Well great - so what? You want to meet me...and??? ah, but I digress).

Here is this guys profile. My comments are in bold today. (as a pre-cursor...he is divorced. and really, its not hard to see why....and how that probably was a key ingredient to the creation of this enjoy)

What happened to women wanting a man that won't cheat, treat them with respect, is very stable, has a great personality, and can make you laugh at all times? I have met very few women on this site that are not superficial ****' what a way to start a profile off. I've known you less than a minute and I already know you have some deep seeded issues about women. makes me want to keep reading

Too blunt for you? no, but possibly a little too honest/revealing for YOU Move on. seriously tempting

"I don't do drugs but I am 420 friendly" Give me a break, pot is a drug and if you can't smoke it and realize that you are a fool. great opinion, actually one I think too....but again, may not be the best forum to discuss your [obvious] issues with pot smoking.

I am NOT 420 friendly nor am I crack, coke, LSD, meth or any other illegal drug friendly so go away. so go away? I mean, this will definitely make a drug user get off your profile page quickly - then again, it probably will make everyone else go away too. Lets face it, the only reason I am still here is so I can put you on the mocking block later. Not a good sign for you

Why do women on this site say that their kid or kid's are the number one priority in their life? If the men on this site are not intelligent enough to already know that they are a waste of skin. So can we please cut back a bit on the "my kid is number 1"? ;)so now you've offended the drug users and the single moms. Dude, you are turning out to be a real catch.

I would guess if you are still reading this you would guess I am a very angry person. you took the words right out of my mouth That is the farthest thing from the truth wow. buddy. can we say denial?so say hello and let us rock this ****! gee, and after such a lovely written, heartfelt profile...I think I'll pass

Oh....oh boy. I don't think such an angry man should be dating. It says he is divorced. I may not be a licensed therapist [yet] but I am going to go ahead and say that his unresolved issued should probably get resolved first. Clearly he has many of them. With drug users, mothers, men, people in general. I just don't understand how you write a profile like this and honestly think you are going to win someone over - I mean...I would never even meet a guy who sounded this angry. I might eat my pasta the wrong way at dinner and he'd attack me with a butter knife. Yikes!

Ah, plentyoffish. You never disappoint.


my trampy little sister told me that myspace was the new booty call  

Posted by Plain Jane

Well, I've done it. I've caved. I know I said I'd never pay for dating - but I joined *sigh* Not that paying is a bad thing - it just says 'desperate' to me. But I guess it's not really. Quality vs Quantity and all. Perhaps eharmony will deliver. Although, from what I've seen so far...well....

Anyway. My message tonight comes not from eharmony, but from everybody's favorite: This is the site where all but one of my lovely stories comes from. Real choice guys here....and because I just was left a little speechless by this guy (I swear he as ADD or something).....

"Hi there! You the age your profile says Or did you lie to make a profile here? uh...well aside from the horrible English. Why would I lie? And do my pictures really make me look under 18. Let me answer that - no they don't. If your the age your profile says, would you be available to get to know and talk to as a friend online? well, I am not lying. I am, in fact, my age. And I gotta say, friend, I'm not really feeling like our friendship would survive. You did just ask me straight off if I was a liar. Someone has issues in this friendship and it's not me.Or do you base that on looks as well as age? I was so tempted to go look at his picture when I read this line. I resisted....wait. But now I am and suddenly it all makes sense. Why no bf? well, gee, friend, I don't know. It must be my young age that's the problem. Or maybe all that lying.what do you do for a living? Or are you in school still? remember when my profile said both what I did for a living and that I was in school. Remember that??? Do you use any messengers to talk on, since doubtdful you wouldn't text a guy interested in you huh? I don't instant message people. And I don't give out my phone number to creepy people. And besides all that, you used a double negative - implying I would text you. English isn't your strong suit is it? How often you online? how is this relevant to anything? Care to add me as a friend to talk on myspace Im if your available....uh, my trampy little sister told me that myspace was the new booty call."

Oh man. It was hard to read it the first time. And the second time I was just shaking my head. Now, I know from experience that it's hard to strike up a conversation, so props for that. But seriously...if you are going to....try not to accuse them of lying right off the bat. Oh. And leave all your issues at the door. I don't have to be an almost-therapist to know you have unresolved feelings toward your last 'friend' and text message buddy. Seriously.

Another guy messaged me (different site, same old story) and asked me if I were dating a guy if I would reconsider the whole sex before marriage thing. Yeah buddy. Just for you, I'll consider it. *rolls eyes* Why would I reconsider it just because I'm dating someone? The whole point is waiting until AFTER marriage, not during dating. I am not just trying to avoid being a first-date slut or something. There are some faith-based principles here. Did I not make that clear when I talked about God being important in my life?

On a more pleasant note. On a different website (a Christian one) I am talking with a guy (notice I'm not myspacing him) who seems pretty cool. I will keep you updated.

Until then......